Data Analyst: How many exactly coconut charcoal briquettes company in Indonesia? – In Indonesia, many companies make coconut charcoal briquettes. People want to know exactly how many there are. This article looks into the coconut charcoal industry in Indonesia. It tries to find out the exact number of companies that make and sell these briquettes. Understanding this helps us see how big the market is and what it can do in the future.
There are 2 sides of seller for selling this, there are manufacturers, and traders. And actually there are hundreds of manufacturers and thousands of traders in Indonesia, but most of them are not seen or still new. Coconut charcoal briquettes company in Indonesia have a very large amount in any other else in the world.
So, it also need to be explained that this data is not the absolutes facts, because there still unseen or un-registered companies and there still thousands of traders outthere that is not seen by our reference. But this data also gives you a fact that coconut charcoal company in Indonesia is a lot and there still many chances to come.
This can gives you a data for observing and examining each charcoal sellers, comparing eachother, and it does not mean that the data below also gives a good companies reputations, or it also not mean that the others companies/traders that you found a lot in the website (more than the data) is not valid or a scammer. No, its not. They also a valid seller and gives a competitive product also.
So, here are the data according to Volza
If we look at the graphics, the data of coconut briquettes companies worldwide is 279, and that number is according to people who registered in Volza. And there still a lots of companies/traders outthere that not registered to Volza. And not all of the registered seller in Volza is credible and also have a good business.
So that just from the worldwide companies according to Volza, but still we need another data to prove exactly of how much coconut charcoal briquettes company in Indonesia.
In this data by Volza also, we will show that how much of coconut charcoal briquettes shipment is shipped in 2023.
This data shows that As per Volza’s Global Import data, Coconut charcoal briquettes import shipments from Indonesia stood at 5.7K, imported by 938 World Importers from 193 Indonesia Suppliers.
If we look to this data, then there must be more of Indonesia suppliers that is not exported, or already exported but not counted by Volza. This 938 Importers most comes from the Middle east and Europe. Some of them doing contract with Indonesia Suppliers, some of them also a new importers.
This is already shown how many coconut charcoal briquettes supplier in Indonesia are, and lets see by other data, according to Chat GPT, Percentage of Exports by Major Producers:
Indonesia was known to account for a substantial percentage of the global coconut charcoal briquettes exports, likely over 50%
This means that Indonesia is controlling the half of coconut charcoal briquettes supply in the world, is that true? Okay, lets look at the numbers of shipment of worldwide importers and exporters in 2023.
This is only for per Mei 2023, there are 7.1 K total imports worldwide, and imported by 1300 importers and from 393 suppliers with the top 3 countries of importers coconut charcoal briquettes are Latvia, Iraw, and then Saudi Arabia.
7.1 K total importers per Mei 2023 is a lot right? But heres the fun fact, lets look at this pie chart below. This are the top 3 exporters of Coconut shell charcoal briquettes, first are Indonesia with 5,724 shipments followed by India with 880 and Sri Lanka at the 3rd spot with 280 shipments
By percentage
This means that Indonesia control the 80.6% of coconut charcoal briquettes supply worldwide until may 2023, with other countries is 19.4%.
Now, lets look the data of numbers shipment worldwide importers and exporters per December 2023
There are 4.5 K total imports worldwide, and imported by 1300 importers and from 393 suppliers with the top 3 countries of importers coconut charcoal briquettes are Latvia, Russia, and then Saudi Arabia.
The importers if we look at top 50, still most of it from Middle East and Europe. Now lets look at the fun fact. Indonesia are ranked one again for exporting coconut briquettes worldwide with 5,724 shipments followed by India with 880 and Sri Lanka at the 3rd spot with 280 shipments.
By Percentage
This means that Indonesia control the 72.9% of coconut charcoal briquettes supply worldwide from May 2023 untill December 2023, with other countries is 27.1%.
The data analysis about coconut charcoal briquette companies in Indonesia shows that there are a lot of them, including both manufacturers and traders. The numbers suggest that Indonesia plays a big role in the global market for coconut charcoal briquettes.
However, it’s important to know that the data might still not counted all of the Indonesia companies and traders outthere, because there still more hundreds to thousands of coconut charcoal briquettes sellers in Indonesia.
According to Volza, Indonesia seems to be a major exporter of coconut charcoal briquettes, possibly accounting for more than half of the global market. The graphics show that Indonesia has a significant share, around 80.6% untill May 2023 and 72.9% from May to December 2023.
Despite this, it’s crucial to be careful because not all registered sellers may be reliable. The data also indicates that demand comes mostly from the Middle East and Europe.
In simple terms, Indonesia seems to be a big player in the coconut charcoal briquettes business, you can see our article here about the reasons why importers like the coconut charcoal briquettes product from Indonesia:
In case you are an importers, you can trust Indonesia as your suppliers, because the credibility and their reputation is not playing.
If you want order coconut charcoal briquettes from us, or want to consult with us about your coconut briquettes business problems, feel free to tell us in whatsapp +6281774125277 or
We are from Littlebriquette, a supplier and manufacturer of coconut charcoal briquettes from Indonesia, we are selling our products from coconut shell that we burnt and crush it to become a briquettes with a size and shape that is requested, our product is specially for Hookah and BBQ user.
In, you can order a custom shape and size of briquettes. It can be with what your types and your market needs.
We are also a Private Label Manufacturer. We can produce coconut charcoal briquettes under your brand.
Our mainly focus is delivering our products to countries, our product is export quality standard, our mission is to contribute to make indonesia commodity get global trust. You can see our products grades, product specification and other information about our business in our homepage
We are a real supplier, and our business is real and we do not do scam or lies. We are not a fake supplier, we here to gain our customer trust by telling the truth and ofcourse by providing the best result that meets their standard.
Hope this article helps