Declare or Misdeclare? The Importance on Coconut Charcoal Shipping

It all started in the earlier 2000s when MSC shipping lines get one of the containers on fire while shipping to Russia. Since then most of the shipping lines decline to carry coconut charcoal.

most of the shipping lines don’t want to deliver coconut charcoal in their cargo ship. Because the product is dangerous goods

So how to do shipping? Even though there are lots of shipping lines that decline to deliver coconut charcoal, there are still some shipping lines that accept it (with verbal conditions).

There are two methods for shipping coconut charcoal, and it’s important to understand the differences between them.

The first method is to declare or mention coconut charcoal in the shipping documents, such as the Bill of Lading (B/L). This means that in the B/L, we clearly state that we are shipping coconut charcoal briquettes.

The second method, which is strongly not recommended, is to misdeclare the cargo. This involves mentioning a different “safe” product in the Bill of Lading, such as parquet flooring, furniture, wooden handicrafts, or anything other than charcoal. By doing this, you may be able to secure cheaper freight costs, as shipping lines consider your shipment as general cargo. However, if the shipping line discovers that you have misdeclared the cargo, you will face significant fines. For example, ZIM shipping lines may charge you around USD 30,000, while CMA could charge USD 20,000, and so on. These fines are substantial compared to the value of the goods being shipped.

Moreover, misdeclaring the cargo carries additional risks. You, as the buyer, the shipping agent, and the factory involved, may be blacklisted by most shipping lines. Every year, numerous containers carrying coconut charcoal are intercepted, stopped, and prohibited by shipping lines. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately declare the contents of the shipment in the bill of lading documents to protect the interests of importers, forwarders, and exporters.

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9 Factors you Need to Understand Before Importing Coconut Charcoal Briquettes

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