Smoking hookah, also known as shisha or water pipe has been associated with various health concerns, but its direct link to weight gain remains a subject of debate and ongoing research.
While there isn’t conclusive evidence to suggest that smoking hookah directly causes weight gain, there are indirect factors to consider, such as changes in appetite and lifestyle choices that may contribute to potential weight-related issues among hookah smokers.
So, do smoking hookah can gain your weight? The true factors that cause to gaining weight mostly comes from hookah smokers who smoke daily without doing any exercise.
Smoking hookah is truly not gaining weight, and it is a myth. And most people are smoking hookah with a slice of pizza at their table, and not doing any exercise. So it can increase your fat and calories.
But some people also feel that hookah can have little effect on gaining weight. They feel before doing hookah and after doing it, they have a slight difference in their body. But it is actually because of the stuffing in their mouth and they are not doing any exercise.
Hookah actually has some chemicals that is not good for your health. According to a systematic review of population-based studies, hookah smoking is associated with a higher risk of obesity.
Another study found that smoking shisha is linked to diabetes and obesity. So, if you smoke hookah, and you will gain more sugar and glucose in your mouth but it’s not gaining weight, but adding more glucose to your body. And when you not doing any exercise or you eat a lot of fatty food, then the sugar will accelerate your body to gaining weight.
Then how to limit the sugar from hookah? For me, the best way to mitigate this carbon monoxide risk is to limit your smoking. With no smoking, you can decrease the sugar that comes into your body and also can save other people such as old men or even kids and babies.
Another best and most effective solution is you handled it with exercise because this activities are the most healthy thing that you can do, besides eating healthy food, etc. Some studies also say that, an obesity people who exercise are healthier then normal people who don’t move all day.
You can do things such as jogging, lifting weights, eating healthy foods, and also do shisha. There are also lots of people who smoke shisha but still have a strong and healthy body. The best way is to keep it balanced.
With lifting weight, you can burn the sugar in your body, and if you add it with cardio, can burn calories and fats.
Hope this article helps.