Activated charcoal made from coconut shells is currently gaining popularity as an alternative fuel used for cooking, such as grilling food. This renewable energy fuel can replace firewood as a combustion tool because it’s considered more environmentally friendly, doesn’t produce strong odors, and maintains the neutrality of food flavors. Moreover, charcoal made from coconut shell produced from waste processing also aims to reduce environmental pollution, especially in tropical countries that produce more coconut fruits. Given the significant benefits of coconut shell charcoal, what are its uses besides cooking?
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ToggleIt’s worth noting that charcoal from coconut can be utilized not only as a combustion tool for cooking but also in the fields of health and beauty. Surprisingly, this waste product, which can pollute the environment if not managed properly, can provide benefits to humans when processed correctly. In the health field, shell charcoal is not only included in medicinal formulations prescribed by doctors but also used as herbal medicine for detoxifying, anti-venom, and other purposes. Meanwhile, the use of coconut shell charcoal for beauty purposes has become popular due to its “charcoal” content, which can eliminate blackheads on human faces.
Beyond beauty, fuel energy powder has also become popularly used as an additive in various body care products, such as toothpaste. Few people realize that charcoal has significant benefits for health, beauty, and body care. Therefore, let’s comprehensively discuss the uses of coconut charcoal.
What's the Use of Coconut Charcoal? Benefits for the Body
Currently, charcoal used as a combustion tool is not only made from wood. The latest innovation comes from the production of charcoal made from renewable energy. Unlike wood charcoal, charcoal made form coconut has more benefits when used as a combustion tool. However, charcoal is not only useful for cooking or grilling food. So, what are the uses of charcoal from renewable energy? Below are the benefits for health to body care.
Lowering Cholesterol

Another use of charcoal from renewable energy as a combustion tool in cooking is its ability to lower cholesterol. In the human body, there are cholesterol levels, and not all cholesterol needs to be eliminated from the body, such as good cholesterol. Basically, both good and bad cholesterol are needed by the human body. However, maintaining normal cholesterol levels is also essential for a healthy body. Someone with high cholesterol levels is usually not advised to consume oily foods excessively and must undergo intensive treatment to return their cholesterol levels to normal.
To address high cholesterol levels, activated carbon becomes an effective solution to lower cholesterol levels back to normal. One alternative treatment that introduces activated carbon is found in shell charcoal. Therefore, charcoal is considered capable of helping with high cholesterol levels.
Coconut Shell Charcoal for Anti-Venom and Poison Antidote

Venom from animals that can cause death in humans, such as snake venom, spiders, or bees, can now be addressed by utilizing coconut shell charcoal. Coconut shell charcoal that has undergone heating with gas is highly effective as an antidote. Coconut shell charcoal that has formed into activated carbon or still in the form of regular charcoal is beneficial in preventing the spread of venom entering the human body.
Coconut shell charcoal is believed to be an antidote to venom because it contains activated carbon obtained through the heating process during production. With this herbal antidote, it can certainly save someone’s life when they are bitten by venomous animals.
Besides being an antidote to venom, it is essential to note that charcoal is a highly effective toxin absorber. When humans are contaminated with toxins in their bodies caused by food, charcoal consumed can effectively absorb them. In this case, coconut shell charcoal will be consumed more in the form of activated carbon. This is because activated carbon is considered much safer as it has undergone a process that makes this form of charcoal safe for the body.
Improving Digestion and Stopping Diarrhea

Another use is its ability to improve digestion and stop diarrhea. Activated carbon is very useful for treating stomachaches. This is because activated carbon is an effective toxin detox medium. Coconut shell charcoal can treat stomachaches by absorbing and helping to eliminate waste and toxins in the intestines and the entire digestive system. Moreover, activated carbon can also stop diarrhea by expelling the toxins causing it and healing it. Thus, human digestion will return to normal and function smoothly.
In this case, charcoal from renewable energy can be used by consumption aimed at detoxifying or eliminating waste toxins and toxins present in the digestive organs. The presence of toxins in the human body can cause various diseases, such as kidney and liver failure. Even accumulated toxins in the body can also cause depression. Therefore, detoxifying the body from toxins can minimize the risk of various serious diseases.
Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Inflammation caused by bacteria or viruses can be addressed using activated carbon. Activated carbon can absorb bacteria or viruses in the human body that cause inflammation. Activated carbon derived charcoal can be used as an anti-inflammatory and eliminate harmful viruses absorbed by the body.
Skin Beautification

Besides being useful for health, coconut shell charcoal can also beautify the skin. Activated carbon can be used as a mask or scrub. The main benefit provided by activated carbon for the human body is as a remover of dirt attached to the skin surface and can lift dead skin cells, making the body brighter. Until now, many mask or scrub products have added charcoal from renewable energy to their compositions. Therefore, you don’t need to make a mask or scrub yourself from charcoal but can buy products with charcoal content
Supplier of High-Quality Coconut Shell Charcoal
Currently, coconut shell charcoal manufacturers are widespread in various countries, especially in Indonesia. However, it is important for consumers to find high-quality charcoal from renewable energy to get the best experience in its use. The best supplier of coconut shell charcoal in Indonesia that has shipped its products to various countries is Little Briquette. Little Briquette is trusted to have high-quality charcoal products that can provide the best benefits and experiences for users. To find out more information about what products are sold and testimonials given by previous customers, you can find out through the contact below.