Honestidad significa decir la verdad, y parece que la moralidad es valiosa para ti. La honestidad y la equidad son nuestra ética, es una característica clave para fortalecer su confianza.
Se siente que no le gusta un producto que no cumple con sus expectativas. La calidad es nuestra prioridad, de modo que podamos ofrecer resultados financieros que cumplan con sus expectativas.
Sinergia significa trabajar juntos, el compromiso es importante donde continuaremos brindando lo mejor a nuestros clientes e inversores todo el tiempo, y llevaremos a cabo una cooperación a largo plazo y de beneficio mutuo.
Eficiencia significa centrarse en los objetivos y hacer las cosas bien para aumentar su preferencia por el proyecto LittleBriquettes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem, provident.
Las briquetas de carbón de coco son excelentes ya que ayudan a reducir la deforestación y a preservar el medio ambiente. Como están hechos de carbón natural de cáscara de coco, generan un mínimo de ceniza y son insípidos e inodoros, lo que los convierte en una opción segura y agradable. Además, el uso de briquetas de carbón de coco ayuda a preservar el medio ambiente mediante el uso de un recurso renovable y ayuda a salvar un árbol. Cada 1000 kg de briquetas de carbón de coco fabricadas pueden salvar hasta 75 árboles. Esto hace que las briquetas de carbón de coco sean una opción ecológica y sostenible para asar al aire libre.
Nuestras briquetas de carbón de coco están hechas de carbón de cáscara de coco natural de alta calidad garantizada [1], lo que brinda una experiencia limpia y sin chispas. Este producto es perfecto para fumadores de shisha y parrillas al aire libre. Es un producto ecológico, . Las briquetas de coco son fáciles de usar y altamente eficientes, proporcionando una experiencia placentera y conveniente para fumar y asar a la parrilla.
Las briquetas de carbón de coco son excelentes ya que ayudan a reducir la deforestación y a preservar el medio ambiente. Como están hechos de carbón natural de cáscara de coco, generan un mínimo de ceniza y son insípidos e inodoros, lo que los convierte en una opción segura y agradable. Además, el uso de briquetas de carbón de coco ayuda a preservar el medio ambiente mediante el uso de un recurso renovable y ayuda a salvar un árbol. Cada 1000 kg de briquetas de carbón de coco fabricadas pueden salvar hasta 75 árboles. Esto hace que las briquetas de carbón de coco sean una opción ecológica y sostenible para asar al aire libre.
Nuestras briquetas de carbón de coco están hechas de carbón de cáscara de coco natural de alta calidad garantizada [1], lo que brinda una experiencia limpia y sin chispas. Este producto es perfecto para fumadores de shisha y parrillas al aire libre. Es un producto ecológico, . Las briquetas de coco son fáciles de usar y altamente eficientes, proporcionando una experiencia placentera y conveniente para fumar y asar a la parrilla.
Comúnmente, los usuarios de briquetas de carbón prueban la calidad de sus briquetas con una prueba de caída. Aquí está el video del control de calidad de nuestros productos:
1. Invoice
2. Packing list
3. COO (Certificate of Origin)
4. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
5. Sales Contract
6. B/L (Bill of Lading)
Additional Exports document:
1. SHT (Self Heating Test)
2. ROA (Report of Analysis)
A. Embalaje a granel
Plástico interior 1 kg, 10 kg (impresión de marca, pegatina)
Master Box 10 kg, 20 kg (pared simple, pared doble, b/n color, todo color)
B. Embalaje completo
Plástico interior 500 g, 1 kg
Caja interior 500 g, 1 kg, 2 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg (a todo color, plastificado, relieve)
Master Box 10 kg, 20 kg (pared simple, pared doble, b/n color, todo color)
Visite nuestra fábrica de briquetas de carbón de coco en Cileungsi, Bogor, Java Occidental, Indonesia, donde convertimos las cáscaras de coco en briquetas ecológicas y de combustión limpia. Programe una visita a nuestra fábrica. Nos complace mostrarle cómo fabricamos productos de energía sostenible y también podrá ver nuestras muestras.
Our products have been supported by credible and trusted local product certification
Para obtener una muestra de carbón de coco, puede comunicarse con nosotros al +6281774125277 o littlebriquette@gmail.com y realizar un pedido con su dirección y su código postal. Y, por supuesto, cuéntanos qué tipo de carbón necesitas, pero también tenemos que asegurarnos de que la forma y el tamaño de la muestra que deseas esté acorde con la moldura que tenemos. Ofrecemos la opción de comprar una muestra, lo que le permitirá probar personalmente la calidad de nuestro carbón de coco.
Ofrecemos muestras gratuitas con un peso de 500 kg, 1 kg y 2 kg. Sin embargo, el costo de envío corre por tu cuenta.
Tenemos una membresía de DHL que no tienen muchos proveedores de Indonesia, porque enviamos muestras y exportamos activamente a varios países, por lo que al solicitarnos una muestra, puede obtener un descuento en el costo del transporte aéreo del 30% al 40%, lo que le permite pagar las muestras. con menos dinero.
Owner of Littlebriquette.com
En nuestra empresa, la satisfacción del cliente no es sólo un objetivo; es el núcleo de nuestra filosofía empresarial. Creemos que cuando nuestros clientes están contentos, nuestro éxito surge naturalmente.
Nuestras briquetas de carbón de coco son de alta calidad y precios amigables, por lo que puede ganar más dinero vendiéndolas. ¡Es una elección inteligente tanto por la calidad como por las ganancias!
Almost all suppliers of coconut charcoal used Telegraphic Transfer Cash in Advance with 50% first payment and 50% for the second, and also they use incoterms of FOB or Free on Board.
This needs to make you aware of your preparation before importing coconut charcoal and also to prepare your cash better. Because there are still lots of importers who late to paid the final payment, it needs to be reminded before you import charcoal, to have a good and prepared plan.
Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) Cash in Advance means that the importer does a transaction with the exporter with a down payment (DP), and the final payment has to be completed before the products are shipped.
The DP terms can be negotiated between the buyer and the supplier, it can be 50% to 50%, 70 to 30%, or even 30% to 70%. The important thing is, the first payment can be a fund for production, and the second payment has to be paid off before delivery for paying the forwarders, documentation, and so on.
These payment terms sometimes become a problem because the importer is not preparing their money well, and then has a late payment, this will make them get penalties and other sanctions according to what they agree with in the sales contract.
To solve this, by negotiating a sales contract and do an agreement, some suppliers have payment terms of 60% first payment, 30% before delivery, and 10% for B/L documents guarantee. And if you are late to finish the payment, then you will not get the B/L physics document from the exporter, and it causes a container holding penalty.
You can negotiate more with the supplier, but even if there is a percentage change, then the change is not too significant.
It is also impossible to use an L/C payment because coconut charcoal suppliers need payment upfront.
So the best way to solve this is to prepare your money, so the final payment will not be paid late and you don’t get any sanctions.
The reason why most suppliers choose FOB is because they cannot control the goods when it’s already in the cargo ship. They just can track it, but cannot handle and protect the goods.
FOB means that the exporter just takes care of all deliveries and all shipping documents until the charcoal is lifted to the ship. Once aboard, the transportation risk passes from the seller to the buyer.
If the container is already in a cargo ship and the charcoal began to be shipped, then it is not the responsibility of the supplier anymore. So if the cargo is delayed or has an accident, the supplier won’t get involved, and no need to take responsibility.
This allows them to focus on their role in delivering the charcoal to the cargo ship and provides clarity in terms of risk allocation between the supplier and the buyer. This becomes a problem for importers because they take responsibility for the container in the cargo.
To solve this problem, it’s hard to negotiate for changing the delivery terms, so the best way to solve this is to prepare your cash flow before buying the goods, and consider the expenses because it will lower the risk.
We promise never to scam or deceive you, and we won’t take your money and run. If you buy our coconut charcoal briquettes and they don’t meet the promised specifications, we’ll either replace them or give you a refund.
You can find our guarantee in our sales contract, and we also have a product guarantee proposal. However, we share the proposal only with serious customers, as it’s not available for free.
You can trust us to be honest and transparent in all our dealings. We value your satisfaction and will always do our best to make things right if any issues arise.
The short answer is no if you use natural products. And it can contain toxic gas if the charcoal briquettes are mixed with chemicals, this product same as the charcoal in common. You can see if the product is mixed with chemicals or not by seeing their packaging, normally you can see the logo warning on the package, briquettes that are mixed with chemicals are few and not as many as the natural product, so you do not have to worry.
This type of charcoal also contains carbon monoxide, same as the natural charcoal. But it is safer and has less gas, because of the filler. So your eyes will be protected and you will breathe better.
Charcoal briquettes are also safer because they have less ash content, so they will be safe for foods and your house from burning out. While filler like tapioca flour it’s safe and not containing any other gas or causing the food to become bad. This is the reason why shisha smokers love it as their smoke fuel, and also this product starting to reach the grill market because it gives more safety and still brings a high quality to their food.
Our nearest port is Tanjung Priok Port in Jakarta, Indonesia
To obtain a coconut charcoal sample, you can reach out to us at +6281774125277 or littlebriquette@gmail.com and place an order with your address and your zip/postal code. And, for sure, let us know what types of charcoal you need. We offer the option to purchase a sample, allowing you to personally test the quality of our coconut charcoal.
By ordering a sample from us, you can have it delivered to your doorstep. This way, you can examine the charcoal and determine if it meets your requirements and expectations before making a larger purchase.
We offer free samples of coconut charcoal briquettes weighing 1 to 2 kg. However, the delivery cost is paid by you.
Why do we charge you the delivery cost? because we don’t want this sample delivery process to be used for resale or to become a business field, or also used for shisha and grilling for free and on purpose to trick us.
Don’t hesitate to contact us and order your coconut charcoal sample. We’re here to provide you with a hassle-free experience and ensure you’re satisfied with the quality of our product.
There are 2 types of packaging, inner box and master box.
Inner box is a small box that fill briquettes about 0,5kg, 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, etc. While master box is a big box that fill briquettes for around 10kg, 12kg, 15kg, 20kg, etc.
Customer usually use both (inner box 1kg and master box 10kg), but there are also customer who just request with only master box and without inner box included, so we put the products in bulk.
And in the packaging, we can do custom packaging, you can request to put your brand design in your box. We will give you the layout and the design is all by you.
And there are some requirements for the boxes whatever the design is:
• Made in Indonesia
• Imported by (Importer company name)
• Date of production
• etc
The coconut charcoal briquettes already export to Middle East, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Brazil
We care deeply about the environment and always make sure our briquettes are of the best quality. Our customers’ trust and satisfaction have helped us grow globally, and we also work to support communities and protect the environment. We love what we do, and we’re excited to providing for many years to come.